Coding Challenge: Two Sum
The Two Sum coding challenge is another easy challenge that can get away from you real fast if not done right, i.e. O(n^2)
Coding Challenge: Remove Characters from String
The "Remove Characters from String" challenge seems pretty easy, but it is really all about the Big O.
Coding Challenge: Matching Parentheses
The "Matching Parentheses" coding challenge actually appears quite often, despite it's simplicity.
Coding Challenge: FizzBuzz
The "FizzBuzz" coding challenge is one of the most basic code tests you will face when interviewing.
Building A Portfolio Site
After 27 years of development, I finally decided to build a portfolio website. I'm glad I did.
Using Next.js Image Component in MDX
There is a "bug?" in MDX that prevents using the Image component from Next.js directly. In this article, we show one way to get around that error.
Fix for Next-Auth Error Behind Nginx Proxy
Next-Auth can be problematic when run behind a proxy such as Nginx. In this article, we go over the issue and how I, finally, solved it.
Extending Default Props in Next.js
In some cases, you need to add to the existing prop type definition for a component. In this article, we'll take a quick look at just how easy that is to do.